Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Book Front Back Uk Cover Art

TODAY marks 20 years since Harry Potter And The Philosopher'due south Stone was first published.

Over the past ii decades, the magic surrounding JK Rowling's pop series certainly hasn't died downwardly - as collectors still snap upwardly rare books for thousands of pounds.

 JK Rowling signed editions tend to be flogged for more money


JK Rowling signed editions tend to be flogged for more coin Credit: Getty Images

Then do you accept any of the novels lying around at domicile?

With the help of online book marketplace AbeBooks, hither'southward how to spot if your quondam Harry Potter editions could make yous any money.

From uncommon series numbers to printing errors, here are the key signs to await out for…

Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone

 Limited numbers of the Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone edition were released to the public


Limited numbers of the Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone edition were released to the public

Y'all may have really hit the jackpot if you accept an early on edition of JK Rowling'southward kickoff fantasy novel.

Sadly, finding i is a catchy task as simply 500 of them were printed.

To spot a beginning edition of the 1997 book, look for a impress line that reads: "x 9 eight seven six 5 4 three 2 one".

You tin discover these numbers by turning over the front end cover of the book and looking at the copyright page.

This typically falls on the second or third folio in.

Another tell-tale sign is that the outcome will be credited to Joanne Rowling, the proper name the world-renowned writer used before opting to use initials instead.

On Abebooks, these volumes accept fetched up to £39,700.

Nearly Read in Living

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

 Sadly, a signed copy of the second Harry Potter instalment won't land you as much as the first


Sadly, a signed copy of the second Harry Potter instalment won't land you as much as the starting time

A outset edition of the second volume in JK Rowling's series probably won't garner as much as The Philosopher's Stone.

These can typically sell for up to £half dozen,500.

All you need to do is wait for the line number "ten ix 8 7 half-dozen 5 4 3 ii 1".

This price volition significantly increase if your copy has been signed by the author.

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

 Is there a printing mistake on your Prisoner of Azkhaban book? This could actually bump up the value


Is there a printing mistake on your Prisoner of Azkhaban volume? This could actually bump up the value

When the tertiary Harry Potter novel was manufactured, there were a number of errors in the hardcover edition.

Production was halted half-way through after printers noticed that the name "Joanne Rowling" was emblazoned on the forepart encompass instead of "JK Rowling".

If y'all have a pristine re-create of this edition, you lot could make up to £8,650.

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

 Does your book contain unique-looking illustrations? It could be worth more than you think


Does your book contain unique-looking illustrations? It could be worth more than you think

Due to the surge in Harry Potter mania, JK Rowling was likewise preoccupied to handwrite her proper name in as many copies of The Goblet Of Burn.

You lot could rake in a fortune if yous take a signed first edition, which can fetch more than £vii,000.

Just look for the print line that reads: "10 nine viii 7 6 5 4 3 2 1" on the copyright page.

You'd exist lucky to notice a copy of the book that has been illustrated past Giles Greenfield.

The beautiful watercolour work on these volumes may as well increase the value of your novel.

Harry Potter And The Social club Of The Phoenix

 Signed copies became rarer as JK Rowling's career began to flourish


Signed copies became rarer as JK Rowling's career began to flourish

In 2003, JK Rowling conducted a Edinburgh book signing to marker the release of her fifth novel.

There are a number of these novels on the AbeBooks website that are listed at prices between £i,010 and £2,300.

Jason Cockrotft and Mary GrandPré were the illustrators behind this edition, but they don't add together a staggering corporeality of value to the copies.

Despite this, the embellished volumes are typically sold for more than than £145.

Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

 Your novel may also fetch more if it is signed by the illustrator


Your novel may besides fetch more than if it is signed past the illustrator

Every bit Pottermania became an epidemic, JK Rowling had less time to accommodate signings and book tours.

Only a handful of author-marked copies are available, and they can garner effectually £iii,600.

If yous take a volume signed by illustrator Mary GrandPré, y'all could brand up to £180.

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

 It is difficult to find a rare Deathly Hallows book, as so many of them were printed at the same time


It is difficult to find a rare Deathly Hallows book, as so many of them were printed at the same time

As millions upon millions of copies of the last Harry Potter novel were released in bulk, it is difficult to notice a novel that's of considerable value.

In 2007, the writer held a book launch at London's Natural History Museum, where she signed around one,700 copies.

These rare items accept sold from around £720-£4,000.

 A Harry Potter edition was put up at auction for half a million pounds


A Harry Potter edition was put upwardly at auction for half a 1000000 pounds Credit: Getty Images

Terminal November, a rare precious stone-encrusted Harry Potter book was put up for £500,000 at sale.

Although stumbling across such an unusual find is definitely non an everyday occurrence, at that place are plenty of pop books that can be high in value.

And recently, book adept Pom Harrington told The Sun his top tips on spotting valuable books.


Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/3885425/harry-potter-rare-books-editions-numbers-signed/

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