Star Vs the Forces of Evil Season 3 Review

Star vs. the Forces of Evil (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster

10 /10

Bully bear witness

I beloved watching this evidence it's one of the best shows Disney has had I promise it continues

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ten /10

One of the best animated shows airing right now

It's difficult to explicate, this show is simply amazing and entertaining to watch! The main characters are all charming and lovable, the plot is enticing, and the humor is surprisingly fun for adults besides as kids. There has been a trend of brilliant kids cartoons like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Run a risk Fourth dimension reversing the otherwise downwardly trend kids Goggle box programs face. There seems to be a keen disparity between kids shows these days, in that they're all either mindless cash grabs by network producers, or they're completely brilliant and admittedly amazing for kids and adults alike. Star Vs the Forces of Evil certainly falls into the ladder. It actually took long exposure to heavy praise of the testify to go me to finally buckle downwardly and watch it. Half fashion into season 1, I was hooked. Though the traits that make it a kids programme are ofttimes glaring, the characters are and so well-written that it becomes hard not to love them. Once the plot falls into motion, it's impossible to cease watching. Having watched upwards to the most recent episode as of posting this, it's impossible for me to requite this show any less than a 10. All i tin can say more is, if you start to spotter this bear witness, you'll fall in dearest, no matter what historic period you are.

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ten /10

I cried at the end lols

Warning: Spoilers

This show was surprisingly hilarious! I loved it and then much I binge watched all 4 seasons. And yep I definitely cried at the end, there was then much going on I was overwhelmed lols. The final episode when you think Marco and Star volition never encounter each other once again was unexpected just the ending was a even more than shock! Both worlds colliding would have never crossed my mind, but I got the serious chills subsequently that. Beautiful ending to a great evidence, I honestly hoped they would continue the show but I guess that'due south not happening. Love the show though and information technology has abiding activeness and witty comments to keep you interested.

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x /10

Don't judge a volume past its embrace!

At a start glance, this show may look similar an annoying little kids show, only don't be fooled. This is by far one of the best shows Disney has made, and I hope to see more than of it in the futurity. I beloved how every character has depth and multiple sides to them y'all didn't know they had. Even Star has a rebel warrior side to her, and you may feel bad for the antagonists every bit well. The plot may seem slow and simple at commencement, simply then information technology blossoms into a world of lore and mystery. Even in its simpler times, the testify is still very entertaining. Some episodes will be filled with fun, take chances, and monster barrel kicking, while other episodes will be filled with emotion, lore, and a glimpse at the lives of other characters. Plus, this show is very funny, profoundly blithe, and only obviously fun to watch. Some elements of the evidence remind me of other shows, books, video games, and comics I enjoy.This is a must watch series peculiarly if you like shows such as Gravity Falls or Take chances Time. This title gets a big thumbs up from CriticalBunniez👍

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x /ten

All-time Disney show ever!

Daron and the coiffure really outdone themselves and SVTFOE was such an astonishing show! I loved it so very much! Star us but the cutest! We WANT More than DISNEY!

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9 /10

Love this evidence

It'due south actually, really fun and good-natured. Animation is brightly colored and fluid. The dissimilar worlds Star visited are pretty artistic.

CREATIVITY is the key point in this show. The writer's throw every weird and fun idea into the bowl. While being wacky, they do a surprising chore of education lessons and keeping characters existent and grounded in their motivations.

I recommend this film for anyone. Aye, its a children'south show, but anyone can like information technology. With then many shows out that tin can be dark, nihilistic, or at least jaded, its nice to see something that brings joy. If you liked Gravity Falls and wanted something to make full the hole in your soul, watch this.

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8 /10

One of the Best Cartoons of the 2010 Decade to Engagement

This is a TERRIFIC evidence! Yous quickly get an idea of what the characters are similar after watching just a few episodes, which is great! Daron Nefcy did a GREAT job creating the show, conceiving it, and more! The story for some episodes are a picayune banal, but the big episodes are far from being banal!

All the characters are likable except for 2 which aren't on the show very much at all. Even THEN, they're not too unlikable. Plus, some people seem to similar them.

Season 1 started revealing some incredible things about Star's domicile world, and Season 2 is filled with fifty-fifty MORE amazing and incredible, HUGE secrets! Season 2 is where everything gets big!

Information technology's not just the writing, animation, concept, and characters that are great. The music is terrific too, non to mention perfect music is placed at the PERFECT times during the testify! You lot actually feel like you accept an idea of what the characters are going through and feel similar you tin can really chronicle to them due to the writing, the music, and the acting together! It'due south non quite as good as Steven Universe, but I'd definitely suggest checking information technology out!

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9 /ten

Disney continues its streak of quality cartoons

"Star vs Evil" comes later on 2 tough acts to follow in "Phineas & Ferb" and "Gravity Falls", both being by and large acclaimed and quite successful. Despite having such high standards to live up to, "Star vs Evil" manages to run across expectations with beautiful blitheness and well done humor. Non only does the testify provide a stiff female person lead that is also likable (something Disney has lacked since the end of Kim Possible), information technology also doesn't fall into the played out superhero trope of the master character having to hide their powers. Overall I'd say this is one of Disney'south best new shows - providing some of the best animation on TV, very likable characters, and interesting plots that don't become into the over the pinnacle tryhard zany zone that then many cartoons suffer from.

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nine /x

It's Gonna Go a niggling Weird, it'south Gonna get a little Wild!

After watching the start two episodes of Star vs The Forces of Evil, I tin can easily say I want more. I really like this show, and information technology is just what Disney Aqueduct needs to assistance boost its blithe Lineup. A mix of Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and JUST A PINCH of Ren and Stimpy in there besides, Star vs The Forces of Evil delivers beautiful animation, good characters, and a pretty straightforward plot that'southward easy to follow. Along with some really great jokes, and expert sense of humor all around, it is an insanely fun show to experience, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to add another fun Blithe Show to their lists.

Also the theme song is definitely ane of the Catchiest in awhile bated from Steven Universe's. I've been humming it for the past few days, not sure when I'll stop But in any example, I will continue to watch Star battle the Forces of Evil, and hopefully information technology continues to have a strong showing like it did in Episodes one and ii. I know I volition be along for the dimensional ride to see!

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7 /10

A mixed purse of a show

Pros: Some swell characters (Star, Marco, Eclipsa, Moon, Marco's karate instructor, etc.)

Some great moments and episodes

Pretty expert animation (for the nigh role)

Some strong story and character elements

Cons: Some of the plot-choices are awkward and don't make sense

Plenty of filler episodes

Virtually of the humor and jokers aren't very funny


Conclusion: Not a bad show. Has lots of flaws, simply the great characters, mostly very-good second season, and animation kept me watching till the end. Wouldn't really recommend it due to its numerous flaws and poor episodes.

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ix /10

A Good Show in a Sea of Trash

I turned this show on simply to see what it was about. I expected nothing more than than a one-half-decent animated serial with naive jokes and a plot line taken straight from another story volume tale. However, I establish that this show held tons of hilarious jokes and scenarios (sometimes fifty-fifty innuendos) within a artistic plot. I was surprised that, while maintaining nigh aspects of a PG prove, it was extremely entertaining and kept my attending well (which is saying a lot if yous knew me). All-time animated Television receiver show since Gravity Falls. Highly recommend...

Pros: Great blitheness, Creative story line, Hilarious scenarios. Cons: A bit too naive to entertain older crowds.

This evidence definitely deserves a chance. Watch the kickoff episode and, if y'all're anything like me, you'll exist hooked.

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8 /10

A Total Must Watch!

When I first saw the first episode, I observe it very funny from the beginning of information technology until first half of the season. Once I reached it second half, I detect it much more exciting to watch.

In the second flavour, all I can say is that this is serial is already going from better to all-time.

And then in conclusion, I discover this bear witness a highly-recommended, must watch series since its so difficult not to forget. Particularly its characters and story, I would really like to go along watching this until how Star and Marco's story continue.

I highly recommend everyone to watch it and rate it from eight - 10.

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10 /10

Bad offset half of season 1, just fantastic after that

ortz3 xi November 2017

The first couple episodes are mediocre as the writers tried to go a scrap too over the top with zaniness and thrill, but by the 3rd of fourth episode the evidence levels itself (still zany but toned down) and becomes a very enjoyable evidence to spotter that is fun for both kids, teens and adults. It looks a bit childish and at times it is, but it is definitely worth a watch if your looking for bear witness to watch and unwind later on a long stressful day

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10 /10

The side by side "Gravity Falls"

I don't own Disney XD, so I accept to sentry when the Disney Aqueduct airs their animated shows, which is rare. I finally looked and constitute a cartoon that I have talked about all the time, only only saw clips from and was finally able to see. That show is "Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil"! This show tells the story of a princess named Star from some other dimension living with a boy named Marco. Her supernatural enemies oftentimes follow her through Earth. Information technology's no coincidence that I became a huge fan of this show after "Gravity Falls" concluded. Aye, look at my avatar. Anyhow, in some ways this show actually improves over GF. While GF is notwithstanding a better prove overall, this is worth checking out.

The blitheness in this show is ameliorate. Information technology is simply amazing and the best I take ever seen in a Disney drawing. The colors are admittedly gorgeous and the movements and facial expressions are wonderful. Another thing is that this show has much amend romance. Whereas GF and other shows like "Adventure Time!" accept romance that doesn't go anywhere, this show has it wonderfully relevant to the plot. Before this show even started, people wanted Star and Marco to get together. It was fifty-fifty already established that they had love interests, but as the bear witness went on, everyone knew Star had a crush on Marco. In "Starcrushed" she finally revealed it to everybody! Star is 1 of the best modernistic drawing stars because of how powerful she is. She's a magic princess who knows how to utilise her wand and fight all sorts of creatures.

Marco is great too. It's not just because Marco is very entertaining, just considering he was already a strong fighter in the series. Correct from the get go, he helps Star fight. Commonly, a character similar that would accept to go through a lot to exist that powerful. I actually feel for this guy and want him to succeed which makes information technology all the more painful when he fails. Star can join the ranks of characters like Mabel and Pinkie Pie for great happy girls. The other characters are wonderful too.

In that location's Tom, Star'south ex, who is a demon. She has some luck picking boys, huh? Flying Princess Pony Head is, well, a flight princess pony head who talks in this hilarious voice. Will they ever do a Godfather joke with her? Marco is already dating this girl named Jackie. They could accept just had Jackie exist this shallow girl who only existed to be a rival for Star, simply instead they fabricated her very likable and well developed. You simply love all of these unique characters. I started out merely watching clips and was immediately hooked. Information technology helps that the two lead characters make 1 of the all-time couples ever! Don't miss this one! ****

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9 /10

A Love Letter to Classic 90s Anime and U.S. Cartoons

With an affluence of Disney blithe Boob tube shows that accept released over the years (most of which I've ignored ever since Kim Possible and Phineas & Ferb ended their run), none was more surprising than to meet the studio present its take on archetype "magical girl" and "fantasy" anime spun in their own way. Creator Daron Nefcy certainly presented something that feels like a throwback to the 90s cartoons I once knew (both from the Due east and West).

In the Kingdom of Mewni, 14-year-old Star Butterfly (voiced past The Middle's Eden Sher) is expected to take the throne next in line as ruler. Just her energetic and rambunctious nature causes so much damage that her parents - the King and Queen - ultimately send her to Earth where she must live there until she tin harness her magic and prove herself worthy. Upon staying as an exchange pupil past crashing with her Earth friend Marco Diaz by her side, they become together on many misadventures as well every bit understanding each other both physically and emotionally along the way.

Since Nefcy herself admitted that Sailor Moon became the main influence to help creating Star vs The Forces of Evil (including other anime titles), I have to say this is definitely a dearest letter of the alphabet to the fantasy-magical daughter genre in Japanese anime. The show does accept its moments of crazed antics commonly found in by American animated shows (which can wear sparse when overused), merely it compensates past maintaining a sense of staying grounded when the comedy is put aside and the more intense parts start edifice upwardly the story. This is what kept my eyes and ears open for whatsoever important item. With activeness, comedy, and a hint of romance thrown in overall, this is a Goggle box prove that has conjured upwardly a spell that I've conspicuously fallen under.

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nine /10

Another review bombed bear witness.....

Again, non sure what happened here. Tin can someone explain why suddenly in July the testify received negative ratings? My overall experience with this show has been positive so what's up with the influx of i star reviews? I will never understand....

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vii /10

Started stiff, simply then...

Warning: Spoilers

This series started pretty well. It was very fun and charming, and for its first seasons it had interesting villains. Sadly, after the "Battle for Mewni" episodes the series showtime losing steam, leading to an incredibly unsatisfying determination which honestly makes look the primary characters pretty bad, not to mention how the completely underwhelming final adversary is defeated in a rather anti-climatic style. My personal advice would exist to watch this serial until the Boxing for Mewni and ignore everything else what happens later those episodes.

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ten /10

Information technology can grow upon you...

I don't know what other people thinking but I Honey this bear witness. It'due south pretty astonishing and very creative, makes you grinning and bask when you watch. However, it has to better to get better.

Kickoff of all, the plot feels like it does not exist in first few episodes. However, when you lot proceed watching you slowly understand where the testify is going. Just like I said in championship, It grows on you. You either love or hate this show.

In my opinion, this show is Gravity Falls's and Steven Universe'southward baby. If y'all like these shows, you will definitely love this show. And, if you are an developed and still have a child's spirit, non some other one of made humans, yous will love this show. Because this show makes me think of 5 year sometime me, who does not aware of how vast and cruel this world is and waves a wand effectually, say meaningless spells which she heard from her father's erstwhile Latin-English glossary. It makes me forget the whole world for a while and let me exist this little kid again.

Therefore, if you have a child'due south spirit, you lot won't regret.

P.S.: Oh, and if you are a fangirl, you should go and sentinel without a second thought. This evidence is fabricated for you, for united states. I tin guarantee you lot will love!

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nine /x

Information technology may be the side by side large animated show, similar Gravity Falls

I was like "Nah, i'grand not feeling similar watching this!" like many others i can imagine, but i watched one episode and that's all i needed to become fond to this show. I scout information technology pretty much everyday. The first and best affair you hear is the intro. It's catchy and has expert visuals, ya know what i mean. The animation is constantly energetic and colorful. Voice acting is very good, and it fits with the characters. And nosotros movement on to the characters. The main graphic symbol, Star is besides constantly energetic and joyful, but she isn't agape to teach some monsters a lesson. The other main character, Marco, is kinda the supporting character and he'due south just the average guy with a most magical twist to him. Fifty-fifty the freaking villain is awesome, ever hunting for Stars wand, and even his minions are well done as a concept. The stories are also well done and have kind of a Gravity Falls/Steven Universe vibe to them. In fact, i retrieve someone who likewise worked on Gravity Falls worked on this, and we all know how great Gravity Falls and Steven Universe are. I hope they will make more episodes then everybody that enjoys it tin can proceed enjoying it! A bully masterpiece. I residual my case

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x /10

It's Gana get a little weird, information technology's Gana get a little wild, I own't from around here I'm from another dimension

It was just a casual Saturday with my succulent mocha coffee and I was searching for something to sentry because nothing was on TV. I came beyond the prove star vs. the forces of evil and the first episode made me autumn In love with each of the characters personalities. Star is such a loving,positive,costless spirited girl from another dimension and enters a different dimension,Earth. Marco is a hot, good looking, sexy anime graphic symbol that shows their friendship and connection as a team. Marco is her partner in crime and I love seeing the development of their friendship form in this very testify! There is also a antagonist,Ludo, who's motive is stealing Star'southward wand and creating chaos.The anime is adorable and the characters are all like able where it gives a feel good vibe when I lookout information technology. It's cool how Star's voice actor is given the same persona on how she is perceived on The Middle. Fun, loving, and positive almost every dire situation! There needs to be more shows like this. Now let me talk about that tricky theme song....I LOVE It! Information technology'due south ambrosial, information technology's quirky, and it's wild. I'll be singing information technology while they play the theme song and dance crazy because it'due south great! I dear the ending credits of this show because it shows her perspective on how she believes earth is not a bad place and can make a home here. She can view the globe in a positive outlook and see every dire situation every bit something that is happy and loving. It's just a show that gives of positive vibes and make you feel good. She believes "a stranger is but a friend you never met, I'm diggings monsters and I never break a sweat. I'm really thinking I could call this place habitation!" would requite this prove x+ stars and I hope Marco and Star end up together and show their development as a couple and how they abound together and work with one another through problems they have in life!

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x /10

Started from the bottom, now we're here at the top

I accept to admit that although I have been a huge fan of the evidence from the beginning, I take to admit that objectively speaking this bear witness started out as a pretty mediocre cartoon that seemed to be the typical western animated series with fiddling plot and simply filler based episode. And I can sympathize if a casual viewer decides to not lookout man it because of that.

With that being said, now that the second season of the show has come out, I can confidently say that from both a subjective and objective point of view that Star vs the Forces of Evil is hands one of the best contempo cartoon ever, all up there with the likes of Take chances Time, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls and so on.

The best aspect of the show as of late is definitely the characters of the testify, for every unmarried graphic symbol is designed and then well, even characters in the background or characters who oasis't even have a role yet. They all blends in so well with this fantasy setting - which is likewise very well designed - to make information technology interesting and intriguing, which adds a lot to the lore and plot of the evidence.

That existence said, some of the episodes of the bear witness are admittedly better than others, information technology'southward mainly that at that place are a couple of filler episodes that aren't as proficient as others (nigh of the plot based episodes are proficient, though).

Yet I will say that the quality in season two increases tremendously compared to season 1 and it'southward mostly due to the fact that there take been a lot more plot, lore pieces unveiled. So I advise you that if you lot didn't really similar much of season 1, so delight continue watching, considering I guarantee you that the quality really picks up big time.

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7 /10


The problem here is the last season. It is just awful, that shouldn't exist at all it but ruined my experience with this incredible animated series. I exercise recommend it tho, please watch it

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10 /10

It's my new favorite show!

I definitely recall that Star Butterfly is the coolest part of the show and Marco is a great dissimilarity to her. I really like seeing them fight together and I also similar all of Star's creative maneuvers and spells. I really hope this show can or reach 100 episodes! Star is very energetic and much more than interesting than any villains she could fight. By the way, if you say Johnny Test is bad only considering Dexter'south Laboratory came first, or if you say Family Guy is bad but because The Simpsons came start, then this bear witness is also bad (but not necessarily as much as the other 2) just because Gravity Falls came kickoff, since Star reminds me of Mabel and Dipper reminds me of Marco. I got yous haters trapped now! :)

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x /x

"Star vs. The Force of Evil" is nifty a show In MY opinion.

Alarm: Spoilers

Hey Guys I'thou RegularShow1 and today I'thousand going review on "Star vs. The Forces of Evil" a new bear witness on Disney XD. The testify is about Star Butterfly a magical princess from dimension Mewni who is sent equally a foreign exchange student by her parents who she meets Marco Diaz who is a bad boy who loves karate and becomes Star'due south all-time friend. There also Ludo who is Star's nemesis who is always trying to snatch Star'south wand to have over the universe. The show was first shown a sneak preview on Sun, January 18,2015 and officially premiered on Monday, March 30,2015. Lesser LINE I actually similar "Star vs. The Forces of Evil" and I'chiliad giving it a 10 out of 10 Stars. Anyhow I'm RegularShow1 and have a overnice mean solar day. Piece. Update equally of September 21,2015 the season finale air This night at 8:30PMET/7:30PMCT later the episode of Gravity Falls "Roadside Attraction".

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