How Do I Make My Converse White Again

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A lot of people dear Converse sneakers, and for good reasons. They are comfy to wear, and they go with simply about annihilation. Best of all, they are easily customizable and a bare canvas for whatever artist. The fabric parts can be colored with markers, paints, or fabric dyes. The rubber parts can be colored with markers.

  1. 1

    Start with a make clean shoe. The best Converse to work on are brand new. If you lot can't get new ones, y'all will need to clean the ones yous already own. This will help the ink stick and evidence up better. Wipe downwardly the rubber parts with a cotton fiber ball soaked in rubbing alcohol. Wipe downwardly the cloth parts with a damp towel. Let the shoe dry out before moving on.

    • Most markers are translucent, and will evidence upwards best against a white shoe. If you are going to buy a new pair of Antipodal, attempt to get white ones.
    • If you are going to color the entire shoe, remove the shoe laces. You can fifty-fifty colour those ones as well.
  2. 2

    Become some permanent markers or fabric markers. Permanent markers volition work on all parts of the shoe. Because they are translucent, they will bear witness up all-time confronting white Antipodal. Fabric markers will only work on the textile part of the shoe. They may smear if you use them on the rubber part.

    • Make certain you become the right blazon of textile mark. If your shoe is colored, go a cloth marking intended for dark or colored fabric. If your shoe is white, y'all can use any type of fabric marker.


  3. 3

    Come up with a blueprint, and practice it on a canvas of paper or chip of fabric. Once you start coloring your shoe, it will be difficult to erase any mistakes. Sketch out your blueprint on a sail of paper or scrap of fabric, then color it in using the markers. Try simple designs, such equally lightning bolts, hearts, and stars. You tin can also try geometric designs as well.

    • If you lot are going to color the safety parts, practice on a sheet of paper.
    • If you are going to color the fabric parts, try to practice on a bit of canvas, linen, or cotton material. The texture volition give yous a feel for what information technology is similar to color on Converse.
  4. 4

    Sketch your blueprint on the shoe using a pencil. If your shoes are white, try to sketch lightly so that the pencil doesn't prove through. If your shoes are dark, use a white colored pencil instead.

  5. 5

    Color in your design, starting with the lightest colors first and finishing with the darkest. Depending on the type of marking you are using, y'all may need to wait for the ink to dry earlier moving onto the next color. Don't outset with the darker colors. If you lot do, the ink volition smudge and bleed into the lighter colors and brand them muddy.

    • If you are using fabric markers meant for colored fabrics, shake it starting time, so tap the tip on a flat surface. This will assistance get the ink into the felt tip. The ink volition gush out, so don't practise the tapping part on your Converse.
  6. 6

    Await until the ink dries before adding the outlines, if desired. The outlines are not necessary, just they can help make your work stand out some more. Try to use thicker lines on the main/larger shapes, and thinner lines on the smaller shapes and details.

  7. seven

    Spray the cloth function of the shoe with a shoe sealant or a waterproofing spray. [1] Yous can as well use a spray-on acrylic sealer. Whatever yous cull to utilize, make certain that it is matte, or your shoes volition end up shiny. This volition help protect your work and make it terminal longer.

    • You practise not need to spray the rubber parts, if you colored them. Keep in listen that the designs will habiliment off of the rubber parts on their own the more you wear your shoes.
  8. 8

    Wait until the sealer dries earlier putting the laces back in and wearing your shoes. Go along in mind that even with the sealer, your work will still be delicate. Article of clothing your shoes with care and try to avoid getting them wet or muddy.

  9. ix



  1. 1

    Take out the shoe laces and encompass the prophylactic parts with masking tape. This method will only work on the textile parts of your shoe. Cloth paint and acrylic pigment will not stick to rubber for very long. If you'd like to color the safe parts, you lot will need to use permanent markers.

    • If y'all are only painting the sides of the shoe, you do non need to remove the shoe laces.
  2. 2

    Come with a blueprint, and practice it on a sheet of paper or scrap of textile. One time you lot beginning painting your shoe, information technology volition be hard to erase any mistakes. Sketch out your design on a canvas of paper or scrap of fabric, then color it in using acrylic or material paint and some thin paintbrushes.

    • Cotton wool, linen, or canvas fabric will give you the best feel for what it is like to work on Converse. Paper will do in a pinch, however.
    • If your paint is too thick, thin it out with some water.
  3. three

    Sketch your pattern on the shoe using a pencil. Press lightly, and then that the pencil doesn't show through once the paint dries. If your shoe is a very nighttime color, use a white colour pencil instead.

    • Simpler designs, such as stripes, stars, and hearts will look the best.
    • If you like cartoons or comics, consider painting your favorite character.
  4. 4

    Fill your design in with paint primer if you lot are using acrylic paint. This will help your colors show up better and make them last longer. Let the paint primer dry earlier yous move on to the next pace.[2]

    • If you are using fabric pigment, you don't need to use paint primer.
  5. v

    Color in your pattern starting with the largest shapes first. Pigment the edges start, then make full the shape in. If you lot want to add whatever details, wait until the pigment dries. For example, if you lot want to pigment a ladybug, paint the entire issues red first. Add the spots after the red paint dries. Go along in mind that some colors, such as yellow, volition need several coats before they testify up well.

    • If you want the outline to be another color (similar black) await until the very end.
    • If y'all make a mistake, wait for the paint to dry out, then pigment over it.
  6. half dozen

    Wait for the paint to dry out earlier you do the outlines. You tin can do the outlines using a thin, pointed paintbrush or a black permanent marker.

  7. vii

    Spray the shoe with a shoe sealant or a waterproofing spray. You can also use an acrylic spray sealer. Whatever you lot determine to use, brand sure that it is matte, or your shoes will be shiny. The sealer will protect your paint piece of work and assistance it terminal to longer.[3]

  8. 8

    Remove the masking tape once the sealer dries, and put the laces back in. Your shoes are now ready to wear. Keep in listen that even with the sealer, your work will be frail. Endeavour to avoid wetting your shoes soaked or muddy.


  1. 1

    Choose a white or cream-colored shoe. Dye is translucent. It adds color to whatsoever color is already there. For example, if you tried to dye a pair of blue shoes red or pink, you'll stop up with purple. Yous likewise cannot dye shoes a lighter color.[iv] Yous tin can, however, dye any colour of shoe black.

  2. ii

    Remove the shoe laces, and embrace the rubber soles and toe with petroleum jelly or masking tape. This volition protect the safety from picking upwardly the dye.[5] If you lot want to dye the laces too, you will still desire to have them out; you volition dip them into the dye bath forth with the shoes. This will assist them dye more evenly.

  3. 3

    Fill up a large bucket with hot water, and stir in ane loving cup (225 grams) of table salt and 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) of laundry detergent. Make sure that the bucket is deep enough to fit your shoe.

    • The table salt and laundry detergent will help make the dye brighter.[6]
  4. 4

    Prepare your dye, then add it to the bucket. Each company may exist a trivial dissimilar, so follow the directions on your bottle or packet. In general, liquid dyes practise not need any preparation. If you lot are using powdered dye, you lot will demand to dissolve it in 2 cups (475 milliliters) of hot water first.[7]

  5. 5

    Dunk the shoes into the bucket. If your shoes float to the top, you volition need to weigh them down with something heavy. You can use glass jars or bottles, or even sticks. If yous don't exercise this, they volition float to the top and your dye job volition be uneven.

    • Some people observe that soaking the shoes in warm h2o starting time helps the dye soak in amend and more evenly.[viii]
    • Dye can get messy. Consider wearing some plastic gloves to protect your hands from getting stained.[9]
  6. 6

    Leave the shoes in the dye bath for 20 minutes. This volition give the dye enough time to soak into the fabric.

  7. 7

    Take the shoes out, and rinse them with water until the water runs clear. Apply warm water first to ready the dye, so common cold water to get rid of the excess dye.[10] Be sure to get the inside of the shoes as well.

  8. viii

    Wait 5 minutes, then rinse the shoes again. This is to get rid of any final traces of dye. Think to rinse the within of the shoes also.

  9. nine

    Prepare the shoes down on some paper and let them dry overnight. If y'all can, prepare them out in a sunny spot. This will assist them dry faster. If you don't have whatever newspaper, you can use an one-time towel or even a newspaper pocketbook instead.

  10. 10

    Remove the tape or petroleum jelly. If any dye leaked onto the shoes, you can remove it using rubbing alcohol or a bleach pen.[eleven] Yous tin too try a magic eraser or a paste made from equal parts of baking soda, water, and vinegar.[12]

    • If you are using a bleach pen, leave the bleach on the rubber parts for x minutes, then wipe it off with a clammy cloth. Exist careful not to get whatever bleach on the fabric office.[thirteen]
  11. eleven

    Toss the shoes into the dryer for 10 to 15 minutes. The oestrus will aid set up the dye further.[fourteen] [xv] It will also help the shoes end drying, if they are still a little clammy.

  12. 12

    Put the shoe laces back in. Your shoes are now fix to wearable.


Add together New Question

  • Question

    Can I dye pinkish Antipodal to tiffany blue? What color would be best to use?

    Community Answer

    You lot would have to outset bleach them to remove the pink color, then mix a light bluish dye to use.

  • Question

    I want to color the mid-soles with black. Would a Sharpie work, or would paint work better?

    Community Answer

    Sharpie is less time consuming and works almost besides as paint. If yous take the time to wait for the paint to dry out and besides have blackness paint, then painting would be better.

  • Question

    Tin can I use pinkish sneakers instead of white?

    Community Answer

    Yes, only if you are using dye or markers, y'all will exist putting the color on peak of the pink. And then if you apply blueish dye, the shoes will be a shade of purple.

  • Question

    Tin can I apply Crayola washable markers and seal it with waterproof fabric spray?

    Community Answer

    I wouldn't suggest that, as Crayola washable markers aren't meant for textile. If you are going to utilise markers, employ fabric markers.

  • Question

    Can I dye my dark bluish Antipodal light blue?

    Community Answer

    Yes, and you should be able to do that past bleaching them just a trivial fleck so that the colour gets lighter (but doesn't disappear completely).

  • Question

    How do I modify my Converse from white to black?

    Community Answer

    If y'all are using paint or material markers, they just have to be black. You can and so follow the instructions in the article on how to dye your shoes.

  • Question

    Can I dye majestic Converse black?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Merely cover the bottom safety with tape, to protect it from the colour, then pigment or color them as shown in the in a higher place directions.

  • Question

    Could I dye calorie-free purple Converses dorsum to the aforementioned colour if they were bleached?

    Community Answer

    If you bleached the whole thing, and then you lot could apply any colour of your pick. But if there was only a small spot that was bleached, I would recommend color matching it then it is the same color again. As well, taping the parts y'all don't want to be bleached would be a good idea.

  • Question

    Is in that location a way to make faded Converse black again without dye?

    Community Answer

    Yes, employ a Mr. Sketch mark and color the whole shoe. The results should exist amazing simply do apply something to seal the color, and do not wear them on rainy days.

  • Question

    How exercise I turn my Converses clear white?

    Community Answer

    You can't turn them clear, just you can make them a pretty bright white if you use bleach.

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  • Afterward dyeing your shoes, consider painting or drawing some designs on superlative of them. Use blackness permanent or cloth markers for fragile designs, and black acrylic or fabric paint for bold designs.

  • Simpler designs look all-time, especially at a distance.[xvi]

  • Markers volition show up best against white shoes.

  • Try using fabric stencils or stickers when painting your shoes. Leave the stencils or stickers on until the paint dries, so pull them off.[17]

  • Practice on old Antipodal yous don't clothing anymore, or on cheaper sheet shoes.

  • Try to use paintbrushes with stiffer bristles. The ones sold alongside the fabric paints in the art store are ideal.

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  • If you colored the toe caps, know that the designs may fade over time.


Things You'll Demand

  • Converse
  • Rubbing alcohol (optional)
  • Cotton wool ball (optional)
  • Fabric markers or permanent markers
  • Masking tape
  • Pencil
  • Shoe sealer, waterproofing spray, or acrylic sealer
  • Converse
  • Cloth paint or acrylic pigment
  • Paintbrushes
  • Masking tape
  • Pencil
  • Shoe sealer, waterproofing spray, or acrylic sealer
  • Antipodal
  • Masking record or petroleum jelly
  • Fabric dye
  • Salt
  • Laundry detergent
  • Hot water
  • Bucket
  • Bleach pen or magic eraser (optional)

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Article Summary X

If you want to add some color to your Converse, make sure to start with brand new white sneakers, every bit these will make your designs look brighter. Alternatively, you can clean converse you lot already ain with a damp towel. Earlier yous start coloring on your shoes, option out the permanent markers you want to use and sketch out a design on a piece of paper. When yous've fabricated a cool design, outline it on your Converse in pencil, then color it in with the markers. As y'all colour, use calorie-free colors first and let the ink dry out before moving on to darker markers, or they might smudge. Subsequently your pattern has dried, spray the material with a matte shoe sealant or water-proofing spray to protect your work. For more tips, similar how to paint your Antipodal, read on!

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