Backup Bookmarks and Read Gmails From Work

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Backing upwards your data is of import, and although you should definitely employ one of the all-time online backup services to ensure your data is safe, you don't demand one to protect your browsing profile in Chrome. This guide will prove you how to backup Google Chrome and make sure cipher in the browser is lost, should your computer come across an unfortunate stop.

Key Takeaways:

  • Syncing your Google account to all your apps and devices is the easiest style to backup your browser data and more than.
  • For privacy reasons, you may desire to avert having a Google account; in that case, you lot tin perform a manual backup.
  • When performing a manual backup, if you accept multiple browser profiles, information technology's important that y'all transfer both, or your extensions may non make the trip.

Chrome is 1 of the most secure web browsers around, but that doesn't mean your information is inherently safe if your device dies. If this happens, there's probably a agglomeration of information saved in the browser that you'll want to call up. This includes apps, bookmarks, favorites, extensions, browsing history, settings, themes, open tabs, autofill form content and payment methods.

If you lose access to this data, you'll have to redownload all your extensions, re-enter your information — such as passwords and addresses — and set upwardly your preferences again the way you like them. With your browsing history gone, you can also forget about hunting downwards that one commodity you vaguely remember reading a few weeks back.

If yous're just installing Chrome for the kickoff time, be sure to check out our Google Chrome review to discover everything the browser can do. For now, permit'southward see how to make sure your browsing information is safe and secure.

  • 08/xx/2021

    Adjusted the layout, fact checked the steps, added new images.

  • Either past syncing your account with Chrome or manually bankroll upward your Chrome data. There are instructions for both beneath.

  • The easiest way is to only sync your Google account in Chrome on your old device and then log in to your new computer with that business relationship.

  • Either past syncing your Google account with Chrome or manually moving the respective folder on your difficult drive.

How to Backup Google Chrome in Browser

The easiest way to backup Google Chrome is through the browser. To practice and so, you must create a Google account or sign in with your existing one (find out how to change your default Google account).

How to Fill-in Chrome Bookmarks, History & More than

  1. Go to Settings

    Start past clicking on the iii dots in the browser's top-correct corner and so on the "settings" selection near the lesser of this bill of fare.

    google chrome settings
  2. Plough on Sync

    From here, yous should see a large, blue button labeled "turn on sync…" Once you click information technology, you'll be taken to the Google login page.

    google chrome turn on sync
  3. Log in to Your Google Business relationship or Create a New One

    Hither you can either log in with an existing Google business relationship or create a new one by clicking "create business relationship."

    google chrome login
  4. Create a New Gmail Account

    To create a new account, you'll need to enter your proper noun, date of nascency and desired Gmail address, as well as a password (yous tin make Gmail your default e-mail customer if you want). Required fields are marked with an asterisk, so if at that place are any issues, make sure you've filled them in. Once your account is created, echo the steps above to go far at the login screen again.

    google chrome register
  5. Confirm Sync Settings

    Once you are signed in to your account in the Chrome browser, return to the settings carte and click "turn on sync" once again. Y'all'll have to confirm that you mean to practise then, so click "yes, I'one thousand in."

    google chrome turn on sync confirm
  6. Decide What to Sync

    From here, click "manage sync" to come across what information will transfer. You can either choose to sync everything or pick and choose from the list shown in the screenshot below. Once you've decided what to sync, it'due south all automatically available across devices, and then long as you lot sign in with the aforementioned Google account.

    google chrome manage sync

How to Backup Google Chrome Manually

If you don't like the idea of having all your data exist kept by Google, you tin can also fill-in the Chrome browser manually. Exercise note, though, that this ways some Google services — like saving payment information and the like — won't be available to you, nor will you be able to recall saved passwords.

These instructions volition let yous protect everything stored in Chrome, just if you but want to backup Chrome bookmarks, cheque out our instructions for how to export and import Chrome bookmarks.

For the start step you'll need to find the Chrome folder on your reckoner. The exact location can vary depending on your operating system, but past default, the folders tin be found in the following places:

  • On computers running Windows vii and to a higher place: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  • On computers running Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  • On macOS 10 devices: Users/<username>/Library/Awarding Support/Google/Chrome/Default
  • On Linux machines: Linux: /dwelling/<username>/.config/google-chrome/default

    Retrieve that you'll need to replace the "<username>" parts of the paths with your own username.

Step by Step: How to Manually Fill-in Google Chrome

  1. Notice the Chrome Folder on Your Estimator

    First, you'll have to track downwardly your Chrome profile folder stored locally on your device.

    windows backup folder location
  2. Find Subconscious Folders (Windows viii and Downwards)

    In Windows, your AppData or Application Data folders are hidden by default. If you can't find these folders, open the "control panel," select "appearance and personalization" and then "File Explorer options."

    windows control panel
  3. Show Hidden Files (Windows 8 and Downwardly)

    Switch to the "view" tab and scroll downwardly until you see the "hidden files and folders entry." Simply tick the "show hidden files, folders and drives" box, and you're skilful to go.

    windows show hidden files
  4. Testify Hidden Folders in Windows x

    This approach will work on every version of Windows, from XP and up, but if you're running Windows 10, you lot can reach the same issue much quicker. Simply open up any folder, click the "view" tab in the summit bill of fare and tick the box called "subconscious items" inside the section chosen "testify/hibernate."

    windows 10 hidden files
  5. Re-create the Folder Into a New Location

    If you only accept one user profile, you'll detect information technology in the binder called "default." Simply copy this binder to your fill-in location — whether that'southward on an external device or in the cloud — and you lot'll have everything you need to restore Chrome to normal in the future.

    windows chrome default folder
  6. Backing Up Multiple Folders

    If yous have more than one profile, it's a little more confusing. Every profile after your first one is placed in a folder named "ProfileX" where "X" is a number that increases for each profile you create. Thus, your second profile binder (think, your first is called "default") volition be named "Profile1," your tertiary will be "Profile2" and then on.

    windows chrome profile folders
  7. Make Sure to Backup All Folders

    If you're backing up one of these profiles and not the default one, you volition still need the latter to backup your extensions. This is because extensions are shared between profiles and are only stored in the default binder. That's why nosotros recommend backing up the default profile and any boosted profiles you may have at the same time.

    windows backed up chrome profiles

Because the user profiles can shop quite a lot of information, the copy might accept a long time to stop. Call back to shut Chrome completely beforehand, or the process will abort due to the files existence in utilise.

How to Restore Google Chrome User Data

When the time comes to restore your user contour in Google Chrome, the style to do this depends on how you backed up your data. If you used your Google account, the process is equally elementary equally logging in with your new browser installation, and Chrome volition automatically download all the information you backed upward.

In the futurity, if you want to make Google forget what it knows near yous, you tin can follow our guide on how to erase your Google history. Google claims this will delete all the information information technology has stored on you, but given the company's less-than-stellar tape on privacy, it'due south hard to trust it on this.

If you lot manually backed upwards your profile, you need to navigate to the same folder as described above in the "manual fill-in" section. Once there, rename the "default" binder to something else, such as "defaultOLD," and and so paste your backed-upwardly folder in the same location. The next time you beginning Chrome, you volition exist automatically signed into your recovered profile.

Final Thoughts

Although Chrome certainly isn't perfect — specially given the privacy concerns surrounding information technology — its ability to quickly sync your information between devices is a huge upside to the world'south nearly popular web browser.

Fifty-fifty if yous don't want to use a Google business relationship in order to limit what Google knows nearly you, bankroll up Chrome is still incredibly like shooting fish in a barrel, requiring simply a few simple steps to accomplish.

Withal, all this does cypher to protect you against Chrome's biggest flaw — privacy, or rather the lack of it — and so make sure to download the best VPN for Chrome and read our anonymous browsing guide while you lot're here. If yous have a Chromebook, be sure to read our all-time VPN for Chromebooks guide, too.

What practise you call back of Chrome's fill-in process? Exercise y'all concord that information technology's quick and simple, or would you prefer a more straightforward way of bankroll upwards without using a Google account? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading.


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